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White papers are a popular and powerful tool for content marketers. They can be used to position your company as a thought leader, to present useful and persuasive research and information about your products and services, and to generate leads. This ultimate guide will teach you everything you need to make white paper marketing a formidable addition to your content marketing strategy.
A white paper is an in-depth report or guide about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue.
In the world of marketing, some to write my paper white paper is a long-form piece of content, similar to an eBook. The some to write my paper between the two is that white papers tend to be more technical and in depth. The facts and opinions expressed in white papers are often backed by original research or statistics that the publisher has aggregated from reliable sources. They often include charts, graphs, tables, and other ways of visualizing data.
The term "white papers" originated in England as government-issued documents. One famous example is the Churchill White Papersome to write my paper, commissioned by Winston Churchill in White papers are no less editorial than other forms of content, but the depth of research lends them an authoritative tone. For this reason, they are good candidates for promoting thought leadership, some to write my paper. In the past, white papers were most often produced by governmental agencies, NGOs, think tanks, consultancies, and financial institutions that needed to present the findings of their ongoing research in a succinct format.
With the widespread growth and adoption of content marketing the creation and distribution of non-promotional content intended to generate interest in a business and its offeringswhite papers have become more common in other industries as well. Any organization that engages in content marketing can benefit from producing white papers.
Their popularity across industries is due to their versatility. While all white papers have certain elements in common, a B2B startup will use them differently than a large consultancy, and both will use them differently from a governmental organization.
Other types of white papers simply present a summary of useful statistics and information about some to write my paper state of a particular field or industry. An example of this would be the Content Marketing Benchmarks Budgets and Trends from the Content Marketing Institute. Whatever type you produce, the contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area.
Your audience is searching for information, and will look for an authoritative source — a business they perceive as having in-depth knowledge of a subject. The contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area. White papers enable you to build trust with your audience. They show readers that you're reliable, experienced, and adept in a given domain. When potential customers search for information to help them understand a problem or opportunity they're facing, and you provide them with a quality white paper that helps, they'll turn to you again in the future, some to write my paper.
This perception of authority can also serve to boost sales in an organization. More than half the respondents to the Eccolo Media B2B Technology Content Survey reported having read a white paper before making a buying decision. Buyers prefer to purchase from vendors they trust and see as experts in their field, some to write my paper.
Finally, white papers are extremely useful for lead generation. The Content Preferences Survey from DemandGen found that more than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for a white paper — more than for eBooks, case studies, analyst reportspodcasts, or infographics. With all of these potential benefits, utilizing white papers in your content marketing strategy can produce great results.
More than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for some to write my paper white paper. When you think about white papers, you probably think of PDF articles with thousands of words. But times are changing and so is the way we produce and consume content. Nowadays, every marketing collateral including white papers needs to be well written, well structured, and designed for every type of visitor. What Developers Want - CodinGame. This unique one-pager presenting findings from the Developers at Work Survey demonstrates how a white paper should be done.
The animated, interactive data charts show off just what's possible with our embed feature. Open white paper. This well-produced special edition produced by BDO and creative agency Monte Media does an incredible job of turning a conventionally dull topic into a piece of content that's engaging and some to write my paper to life. Building and Applying a Content Marketing Strategy - Foleon. See more white paper examples. Start creating white papers with Foleon.
Starting a white paper can be a daunting task. Even after the writing itself has begun, white papers are tricky to do well. Simply listing statistics without some form of narrative arc is a surefire way to keep your white paper from ever being read. Luckily, following a few simple guidelines can help keep a white paper engaging and make the process of finishing it much easier. This might seem obvious, but without a topic that resonates with your audience, your white paper is not likely to be read.
When choosing the right topic, you should consider three important criteria:. Naturally, finding a topic that brings points 1 and 2 together is vital. White papers are meant to be authoritative pieces of content based upon the author's experience and expertise, so it's important to write about what you know. But you must match this to the interests of your readers if you're to produce something they'll be eager to engage with. Don't be afraid to crowdsource information from within your organization.
The same goes for other roles. Crowdsourcing knowledge means having the power of a true expert in many fields, some to write my paper. Finally, filling a "content gap" will help your white paper get noticed and gain traction. By addressing a topic no one else has written about definitely, your white paper will be more likely to rank highly on search engines and even be featured elsewhere on the web. Pro tip: You can even ask your audience what they would like to see in your upcoming white paper.
You'll get ideas, make your topic more relevant, and you'll generate buzz around your content even before it's finished.
In fact, we used the same method for this guide! Defining your audience goes hand in hand with choosing the right topic. Knowing this helps establish the voice you should use and whether industry-specific jargon is appropriate.
It also narrows the scope of the research you should include. Part of defining an audience in the age of Google centers around how people will find the white paper. This means thinking about which platforms specific personas use for research and what search terms they put in.
Not only will this help a white paper get found by the right people, but it is useful when outlining the white paper later on. Optimizing for keywords is important, but remember to write for people, not for search engines. Google is getting better all the time at understanding and matching search intent with relevant content.
Like with all good writingyour intro should serve to captivate your audience, pique their curiosity, some to write my paper, and entice them to read further. It's good practice to provide a brief summary of what they'll find in the white paper and to emphasize exactly what benefit they'll get from reading it.
Your outro is equally important, especially if you're using your white paper to market your products or services. You should avoid any self-promotion in the body of your white paper, but you can certainly mention your relevant product offerings and how to obtain them — perhaps using a compelling call-to-action — at the end.
White some to write my paper are not meant to be advertisements for your company, and some to write my paper should avoid any overt promotion. Instead, you should provide plenty of useful information that will be valuable to readers even if they don't become customers, some to write my paper. Emphasizing value is the key to a great white paper that will get shared and widely read. Remember, white papers serve to showcase your expertise as a company or brand in a given field.
Your readers should come away having learned something useful and with the impression that you're a reliable source of expert information. As pointed out earlier, generating this kind of reputation will lead to greater business success as buyers are more likely to purchase from companies they trust.
No first draft is ever a finished work. While a white paper may not need seventeen drafts, there will undoubtedly be points missed and logical inconsistencies in the first version.
Finishing a draft, some to write my paper, stepping away, and coming back to it with a fresh mind is the best way to ensure quality. White papers should be more detailed and thorough than blog posts or eBooks.
This may cause them to be more dry and formal, but this doesn't mean they have to be boring. A trap that white papers easily fall into is using statistics as a crutch and not maintaining interest throughout. Technical as it may be, you still want your white paper to be read. There are some pitfalls and common mistakes to avoid when writing a white paper. Each of these has the potential to make an otherwise stellar piece of content into a wasted effort.
Here's a brief list of things to look out for. When white papers are used as part of a marketing campaign where businesses showcase their product, a common mistake is to make them sound like a sales pitch. Don't let this happen; it will immediately turn your readers off. In a white paper, your audience is seeking unbiased, educational information that will help them, not try to persuade them.
Save the sales pitches for other content, like product brochures. As previously mentioned, white papers should be well-researched documents. Aggregating statistics and searching through scholarly work may take time, but the result will be worth it. We'll go in-depth into design in the next section, but it's worth mentioning here. The written content of a white paper is what matters most, but neglecting design is a big mistake.
Designmakes your salient points stand out and helps the reader understand what they're reading. Using visuals like images, videos, charts, and graphs that support your arguments is crucial, some to write my paper.
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