Jan 23, · Likewise a historian may break the thesis up into time periods and do critique and evaluation throughout the whole. So I have diagnosed some of the problems, are there any easy solutions? Well, the best way to start in my view is just to write, but perhaps start to write without the specific purpose of the discussion chapter in mind Writing an argumentative essay requires research, time spent online on reading, efforts and, most importantly, your own opinion. To compose one page a usual student spends hours in attempts. Struggling with ways to please teacher, spending nights Sep 11, · Our computer science experts can deal with any type of academic paper. Stop struggling and place an order with our paper writing service. blogger.com – the best essay writing service from west to east. Furthermore, you can review our essay Continue reading My Homework
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If you are feeling anxious about the discussion section rest assured you are not alone, struggling to write my thesis. Essentially the discussion chapter tells your reader what your findings might mean, how valuable they are and why. I remember struggling with this section myself and, looking back, I believe there were two sources of anxiety. The first is scholarly confidence. The Ph factor is somewhat elusive and hard to describe, but basically it means you have to make some knowledge claims.
This can feel risky because, if you have been approaching the thesis in the right spirit, you are likely to be experiencing Doubt. The second source of anxiety is the need to think creatively.
Most of the rest of the thesis asks us to think analytically; or, if you are in a practice based discipline, to make stuff; or perhaps, if you are an ethnographer, to observe the world in some way.
Creative thinking involves your imaginationwhich means you have to switch gears mentally. So the problem of the discussion chapter is a problem of creative thinking and confidence, but there are some stylistic conventions and knowledge issues that complicate the task.
Every thesis needs to have discussion like elements, but they may do it in different ways. In a struggling to write my thesis thesis, what we call the IMRAD type introduction, methods, results, discussion and struggling to write my thesis the discussion chapter appears a discrete chapter. Before you worry about the discussion chapter too much, consider whether you struggling to write my thesis to treat the discussion as a separate section at all.
You need to keep in mind that the IMRAD structure is best used to write up empirical research work the type where you collect data of some kind. Many students try to make their research fit into the IMRAD format, struggling to write my thesis, when it is not appropriate to do so. Remember there are many ways to skin the discussion cat. For example, struggling to write my thesis, an artist may discuss each project and what it means separately.
An ethnographer might devote a chapter to each theory they have built from observation. Likewise a historian may break the thesis up into time periods and do critique and evaluation throughout the whole.
So I have diagnosed some of the problems, struggling to write my thesis, are there any easy solutions? Well, the best way to start in my view is just to write, but perhaps start to write without the specific purpose of the discussion chapter in mind. Write to try and work out what you think and then re-write it later. I hope some of these suggestions help to get you started.
Do you have any more? The Dead Hand of the Struggling to write my thesis Genre? Ambivalence: can it help with your PhD? Love the Thesis whisperer and want it to continue? The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director of researcher development at The Australian National University.
New posts on the first Wednesday of the month. Subscribe by email below. Visit the About page to find out more about me and my books. Listen to my podcasts: On the RegAcademics talk about The Chair and Whisperfest. Send me a message on Speakpipe. Email Address, struggling to write my thesis. Sign me up! Draw up a table describing where your work is similar to others and where it differs. Use each of these points as a prompt to write a short paragraph on why.
Pretend your results are produced by a machine then describe the machine. How would the machine work? What would it look like? What parts would it need? What might make the machine break? Another useful suggestion from Howard Becker is the null hypothesis technique; write down why the results mean nothing.
Sometimes forcing yourself to argue the reverse position can highlight the relationships or ideas worth exploring. Sometimes having an audience can help. Explain the results to a friend and record yourself, or use voice recognition software to tell your computer some of your preliminary thoughts. Many people find talking an easier way to get ideas out. Alternatively write them in an email to someone. Explain the limitations of the work: what is left out or yet to do?
Sometimes, like the null hypothesis, talking about the limitations can help you better define the contribution your study has made. Related Posts The Dead Hand of the Thesis Genre? Share this: Print More Email Facebook Twitter Pocket Reddit LinkedIn Tumblr Telegram WhatsApp. Like this: Like Loading Loading Comments Email Required Name Required Website. Send to Email Address Your Name Your Email Address Cancel Post was not sent - check your email addresses!
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Writing A PhD Thesis (you love) in 3 MONTHS - How To Write Efficiently
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